'I was so impressed when Christine showed me Scott's work for the first time, secret work too and very unexpected.
Of course Scott was and is a rock genius, we all knew that -but an artist too, and a damn good one also ?
That was a surprise, a wonderful revelation of real quality work from an unexpected source.
Of course I wish Scott well and hopefully he will have more art treats in store for us all.
I wish him every success, I always loved hanging with Scott, Philip and the gang and Scott was always such a lovely guy
in a world of music and mayhem. Keep on rockin, Scott, and good luck with this wonderful new work.'
-Jim FitzPatrick.2024
Gratitude and thanks to our friends for their encouragement, support, advice as well as contribution to persuade me to share my world of art with the public.
Denis O’Regan, Jim Fitzpatrick, Duff PR, Trish Freitas-Berris of Curiosity Snug, David Newton, Jamie Hitchins, Adam Parson, Adam Nunes, Paul Anthony and Jon Norman of Planet Rock, Martin and Hebe at Atelier Sturgess
Special Thanks to Denis O’Regan and Chalkie White for contributing their copyrighted images.
Mark and Sherene Fuller at Karma Sanctum Soho, London; Joey Shore at West Cork Distillers Limited; Dave Shack of Phantom-Music; Ben Brace of Prime Time and Philip Glenister for their generous support at our launch.